Follow LETOA on Social Media

We have placed a high priority on building a robust social media presence to share new content and association updates with our members. Please help us grow by following, connecting, and subscribing with your favorite phone app and then sharing with your peers. We will not be joining TikTok or Snapchat, but if there is another platform you feel we should utilize, please let us know. We are here to serve, and want to do so as effectively as possible.

Follow Us on Facebook – LETOA has an active, private Facebook group for all members of the criminal justice community. This includes patrol, investigations, corrections, and educational professionals. While we are a group for trainers, all are welcome. We want to help build and support our next generation of trainers.
Subscribe on YouTube – LETOA is working to build a library of techniques that can be used for roll call trainings, in-services, and for instructors to review as lesson plans are developed. Some videos will be viewable to the general public. The more detailed “train-the-trainer” videos will be limited to current members of LETOA.
Follow on Instagram – Our Instagram feed will be a compilation of new content available from LETOA and photos of our members getting together to train. If you are unable to attend our annual training conference, follow us on Instagram to see what’s going on and what you can expect at future conferences.
Connect on LinkedIn – We are aware that some prefer the “Adult Facebook”. While we don’t have the active engagement here like the private Facebook group, we will still share new content and links back to important information.
Follow on Twitter – If shorter, quick hitting updates work better for you, follow us on Twitter. We’ll share the same content as the other platforms with links for further information.

Again, if you feel there are other social media outlets that would help LETOA reach criminal justice trainers across Wisconsin, please let us know. We appreciate your support and help spreading the word.