Benefits of Membership

There are a number of benefits to those who choose to become regular and/or associate members of LEOTA. Perhaps the most import benefit are the networking and collaborative opportunities between officers, training coordinators, and agencies. Networking alone is well worth the few dollars a month to be a member.

A more complete listing of benefits include:

  • Networking and Collaborative Opportunities
  • Access to Shared Lesson Plans
  • Access to Shared Roll Call Trainings
  • Access to Member Specific Written Articles
  • Access to Member Specific Training Videos
  • Opportunity to Serve on Board of Directors
  • Student Scholarship Nomination for Family Member
  • Department or agency listed on website

Many former members have gone on to successful promotions, adjunct instructing opportunities, and even starting their own training companies after retirement. Use the experiences and resources of LETOA to help you reach your future professional goals. Click Here to jump to the membership page.