Conference Day One

The first day of the 2024 Law Enforcement Training Officers’ Association (LETOA) conference is Wednesday, April 10, 2024. Registration will begin at 7am, followed by a welcome from LETOA President Chad Gruenstern. As the day continues, attendees will hear speakers, get a legal update from an assistant attorney general, and have a chance to speak to multiple vendors who could help you and your agency with important products and opportunities.

Wednesday, April 10th
  • Registration from 7:00am – 8:00am
    • Registration opens bright and early at 7am and will remain open until 8am. Attendees will be given relevant conference information along with a small gift of appreciation. We encourage LETOA members (conference registrations include membership) to come early to network.
  • Welcome from 8:00am – 8:15am
    • LETOA President Chad Gruenstern will open the conference with a short discussion about the association and answer any questions from the group as the conference gets underway.
  • Morning Training from 8:15am – 12:00pm
    • The morning session will include a training titled “Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Training for Law Enforcement Personnel” taught by Brooke Bukowski from Brooke was the first openly transgender officer to serve with the New York Police Department. Brooke will talk about her experiences and will discuss trans sensitivity, and policy & procedure concerns. It will also include a training titled “The Proper Focus of Report Writing” by Christopher Pfannkuche. Christopher is a 31-year veteran criminal prosecutor and 43-year trial attorney. he will discuss ‘what actually works in court’ in regards to officer reports.
  • Lunch from 12:00pm – 1:00pm
    • A lunch will be provided at the hotel for all members of the conference.
  • Afternoon Training from 1:00pm – 5:00pm
    • The afternoon session will debrief the 2022 Highland Park Shooting by Highland Park Chief Lou Jogmen and Lake Forest Deputy Chief Michael Lange. On July 4, 2022, seven people were killed and 48 others wounded in a shooting during their 4th of July parade. This presentation will break down the event from their experiences.
  • Hospitality (Drinks and Snacks) from 7:00pm – 11:59pm
    • One of the most beneficial aspects of the LETOA conference is the networking opportunities. Join us at the Hilton Appleton Paper Valley for drinks and snacks while talking with peers in the criminal justice community.