Stop the Threat, Stop the Stigma at LETOA 2022

The 2022 LETOA Conference will begin on Wednesday, April 20, 2022 with featured presenter Adam Meyers. We look forward hearing his powerful message on officer wellness after a critical incident. Our job can be difficult on a good day. It can be devastatingly difficult after a bad day. Now, more than ever, officers need to hear Adam’s story.

You can learn more about ‘Stop the Threat, Stop the Stigma’ on his website We have included a copy/paste from his page to offer a glimpse into his story. We hope you’ll join us at the conference to learn more about protecting yourself and your partners.

My name is Adam and I’ve been a Police Officer in Wisconsin for 20 years. In April 2016, I was on-duty when I used deadly force against someone who armed themselves with a hatchet inside a busy Department store.

I have faced many personal and professional mental health challenges after my shooting and it has taken me five years to get back on track. I would not be a Police Officer today without the unwavering support of my Family, Friends, Colleagues, and Counselors. Thank you for your support!

My overall goal for establishing Stop The Threat – Stop The Stigma and speaking about my shooting is to promote Law Enforcement Wellness and inspire other Law Enforcement Professionals to speak about their own mental health. Please contact me if you would like me to share my experience.

The issue of mental health in law enforcement is prominent everywhere and it is an issue that commands a new perspective. Without advocacy and awareness, we will continue to wait until the crisis stage to address mental health for Police Officers and by then it may be to late.

The law enforcement culture tends to expect law enforcement officers to resist normal physiological responses to tragedies or critical incidents. This combination creates the perfect storm when law enforcement officers are not provided with the tools to deal with the effects of the profession.

Let’s work together to ‘Stop The Threat – Stop The Stigma’.